Sociology Program, 2022-2023 (left to right): Jozie Nummi, Lukas Szrot, Michael Lengefeld, Rucha Ambikar
Department, 2022-2023 (left to right): Jozie Nummi, John Perlich, Cindy Nelson, Tom Eibes, Stacy Jergenson, Donna Pawlowski (chair), Lukas Szrot, Michael Lengefeld, Tim Baird, Rucha Ambikar
Lukas Szrot is currently an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Bemidji State University in Bemidji, MN
Current Academic Position
Lukas Szrot has held a position as Assistant Professor of Sociology at Bemidji State University since 2019, where he serves the university and community in numerous capacities, and has taught or is teaching courses in Statistics, Theory, Research Methods, Social Movements and Change, Society and Social Issues, Social Class and Inequality, Religion and Politics, Sociology of Education, Work and Careers, Sociology of Gender; and Gender and Women’s Studies. He is currently working on numerous original research articles and future book opportunities.
Though an avid writer whose scholarly work emphasizes the relationship between society, nature and the sacred, Lukas has substantial experience mentoring students, both undergraduate and graduate, and works to build courses and materials that are both flexible and accessible. As a first-generation/nontraditional student and working-class academic, his background has prepared him to reach students from historically disadvantaged backgrounds to build the skills and efficacy to complete their degrees and strive for their goals.
Though first and foremost a sociologist, Lukas is a highly interdisciplinary scholar in terms of interest, having engaged in research and other scholarly activity across multiple fields, including psychology, education, philosophy, gender studies, literary criticism, religious studies, environmental studies, mathematics/statistics, biology, and chemistry.
In addition to writing, teaching, and research, Lukas has several years of work experience in the fluid power industry, the music industry, and the food service industry, including multiple leadership/managerial positions.
Areas of Interest
Environment, Religion/Culture, Theory, Methodology
Educational Background
2019: Ph.D. (Honors), Sociology, University of Kansas
2015: M.A., Sociology, The University of Texas at Arlington
2004: B.A., Philosophy, The University of Texas at Arlington
Academic Positions/Work
2019-Present: Assistant Professor of Sociology, Bemidji State University
2015-2019: Lecturer/Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Kansas.
2017: Adjunct Faculty, Washburn University.
2014-2015: Graduate Teaching Assistant, The University of Texas at Arlington.
Selected Recent Publications in Print
Now available in hardcover and paperback: Faiths in Green: Religious Change and Environmental Concern in the United States. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books [link]
Book Review: “Research Methodology as Interactive Epistemology.” Symbolic Interaction [link]
Article: “Risk, Return to Industry, and the Future of Democracy.” Fast Capitalism 18(1), pp. 98-114 [link]
Article: “From Stewardship to Creation Spirituality: The Evolving Ecological Ethos of Catholic Doctrine.” Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture 14(2):226-49 [link].
Book Chapter: Paul V. Stock and Lukas Szrot. “Justice.” Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems. Edited by Jessica Duncan, Michael Carolan, and Han Wiskerke. New York: Earthscan by Routledge, pp. 98-112 [link].
Magazine Article: “From the Middle: Sites of Culture, Cooperation, and Trust in Risk Society.” This View of Life [link].
For full list of publications and more details, please visit Lukas Szrot’s Bemidji State University faculty profile.
Note: Please feel free to email news items and other press releases to add to the list any time.
May 27, 2021, BSU News: Bemidji State Sociology Professor Publishes New Book on Environmental Concern & Religious Identity [link to story].
December 15, 2020, BSU News: Szrot Analyzes 50 Years of Doctrine to Uncover Shifts in Environmental Consciousness [link to story].
October 1, 2020, Bemidji Pioneer: BSU Scholars to Headline Honors Lecture Series [link to story].
August 27, 2020, BSU News: Sociology Professors Present at American Sociological Association Conference [link to story].
August 24, 2020, BSU News: BSU Professor Co-Authors Chapter on the Justice of Sustainable Food Growing & Harvesting [link to story].
January 18, 2019, Scholars Strategy Network (SSN): How Religious Groups Doing Creation Care Can Help Address Climate Change [link to story].
August 13, 2018, earth.com: Young Religious Americans Show Support for Environmentalism [link to story].
August 11, 2018, phys.org: Environmental Concerns Stronger among Younger Religious Americans [link to story].